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  • Linda Macakova

What the Experts Say II

When using a social media, people usually remain in sitting position, which may have an impact on their health. In the work called Impact of increasing social media use on sitting time and body mass index, Alley S., et al. (2016) talk about this issue. They stated that social media usage as leisure-time activity is increasing. Excessive sitting may cause problems with back, neck or with weight. ''Sedentary behaviours, such as sitting, increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity, and poorer mental health status.'' (Alley S., et al, 2016). On the other hand, results have shown that social media have positive impact on human's eating habits and lifestyle. ''It is also possible that social media use exposes people to information about healthy eating and exercise that may have a positive effect on BMI.'' (Alley S., et al, 2016). In conclusion, unlike watching TV, the possibility of using social media via phone allows people to move, not just sit.


Alley, S., Wellens, P., Schoeppe, S., Hein, d. V., Rebar, A. L., Short, C. E., . . . Vandelanotte, C. (2017). Impact of increasing social media use on sitting time and body mass index. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 28(2), 91-95. doi:

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