I had an opportunity to read and comment on other blogs concerning Media and Society. I am going to list them here.
1) Ufee's blog is about Social Media Addiction. She writed about healt and family problems and other issues concerning this topic. The link is https://socialmediabecomesaddictive.blogspot.com/2019/11/getting-addicted-to-social-media_9.html#comments
2) In the blog of Minh, issue about body image advertising. This issue is very relevant and spread around the world, so it might be good to read about it. http://thm.mablog.eu/category/uncategorized/
3) Rucha is talking also about body image on her blog, so go check that out as well. https://mediasociety8.home.blog/2019/11/12/portrayal-of-body-images-in-media/
4) Amy is talking about influencers on social media. That is very interseting, as the number of influencers is increasing. https://amythegreatest.blogspot.com/2019/11/current-events-i.html#comment-form
5) Aneta writes about advertising on her blog. The content is interesting to read about, especially The Curretn Events, and I love the design of her blog. https://anetapolouckova96.wixsite.com/advertisingsociety/post/advertising-society
All of these blogs are great and well-written, you should visit them as well!