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Linda Macakova

Media and Society class

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How social media affect our everyday life

In 21st. century, social media have become an inevitable part of our life. Although they improve our lives in many possible ways, starting with communication, entertaining and learning, it has also a lot of negative impacts on our both physical and mental health. Most importantly, people can become addicted to social media, which can easily lead to a procrastination.
The issue I am also going to talk about is that a lot of authors and "infulencers" share posts that might be unrealistically edited or not true at all, causing people to think that their life is not good enough. I think this matter is very important to talk about, as a lot of children and teenagers are using social media without realizing how much is their health affected. The key is to be aware of that not everything that is online is true and real. Moreover, to be sensible about the time spend on scrolling through the feed. On my blog I will talk in detail about possible consequences, solutions, my opinions, opinions of others and real evens that has happened.

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